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German Castles

German castles are very varied. From the fairytale-like castle built by King Ludwig II, to Mespelbrunn Castle. Yet, they all served as a way to remind German citizens of their union. Following is a list of the most famous German castles.

Wartburg Castle - Wartburg castle is most notorious for being where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German. It has two towers and is located on top of a 600 feet tall hill.

Pfalzgrafenstein Castle - This castle resembled a ship and is situated in the middle of the Rhine river.

Schloss Lichtenstein - Schloss Lichtenstein is a castle in Unterhausen, Germany. It is around 200 years old. It is still in good shape. There is a small museum inside of it with rooms looking like they did 200 years ago

Coburg Castle - This is one of Germany's many castles. It is the most well preserved in Germany. Martin Luther lived in the castle during the Diet of Augsburg in 1530.

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