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Castillo de Coca - Coca Castle (Spanish Castles)

Built in the late fifteenth century by Don Alonso de Fonseca, the Coca Castle along with Cuellar, Arevalo and Olmedo, formed a strategical square of much importance to Spain. Coca Castle is one of the most important and beautiful castles in Spain.

The castle is built of brick and stone with a protective 560 meter-long moat surrounding it.

In 1505, after Alonso's death, his brother Antonio de Fonseca greatly increased the defensive elements of the castle. In 1521, the castle was besieged but the attackers miserably failed to take it. In 1808, The French under Napoleon were able to successfully besiege and take the castle for the first time in its long history.

In more recent years, the castle has been used as a school.

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